
Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Red Track, Blue Track, Why You Give Me Track Hack?

So, this first week at altitude camp has been tough, to say the least. I don't think I've ever trained this hard before. It's a good thing I'm not working or expected to do anything productive right now because my boss would not be a happy camper. When I'm not sleeping, training, or eating, all I'm thinking about is sleeping, training, or eating... oh yeah, and, racing, of course.

Post track workout routine basically consists of stumbling like a Zombie into the car, then into the apartment, making food, eating food while focusing only on putting fork into mouth despite the fact that TV may be on or husband may be talking to you (Sorry, Jon), and then, while last forkfull of food is still being chewed, stumbling into the bedroom and slamming head onto pillow. Goodnight! (or Afternoon, as the case may be).  After 1.5 - 2 hour naps, I am still able to go to bed easily and get a minimum of 9 hours of sleep, no problem.

Despite my excessively long sleeps, workouts are going fantastically, even though we're at 7,000 FT. The only complaint I have is that it's so dry up here and, obviously, my respiratory system is under a lot of stress, that I keep getting track hack after every workout. Usually, I only get this after races, but I guess that's altitude for ya.

It's not hard to appreciate the beauty of this place. On Saturday, we went to Sedona for our track workout: hard to beat the view from that track! Red rocks, blue sky- oh my! It's a little lower altitude than Flagstaff, at 4,500 FT. but, honestly, I didn't notice a difference, still feels like sucking air through a straw.

Only one more week to go. Can't wait to race at Occidental College, Pasadena, CA next Friday!

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